• Nationwide Courses | 07834 232153 | Kevin@QuantumFirstAid.co.uk

First Aid at Work Re Qualification course


12 Hour course over 2 days training

Course Cost

£150 per person inc. tax, for group bookings please inquire.
Includes refreshments throughout the day.

Course Dates

Course location: Stillington Sports Club YO61 1LJ

  • 6th & 7th December 2023
  • 17th & 18th January 2024
  • 14th & 15th February 2024
  • 13th & 14th March 2024
  • 17th & 18th April 2024
  • 15th & 16th May 2024
  • 12th & 13th June 2024
  • 10th & 11th July 2024
  • 21st & 22nd August 2024
  • 12th & 13th September 2024
  • 9th & 10th October 2024
  • 13th & 14th November 2024
  • 11th & 12th December 2024
Re-validate your current First Aid at work certification

First Aid at Work Re-qualification - 2 day course

This is a two day course which allows those who already hold the First Aid at Work qualification to re-validate it for a further 3 years. Candidates must show proof of a current FAW certificate.

Course Content:
  • Awareness of current first aid regulations
  • Vital signs
  • Incident management
  • Airway management
  • Breathing problems
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  • Circulation problems – bleeding & shock
  • Fractures
  • Burns and scolds
  • Common illnesses
  • Record keeping
  • Safe best practices
Assessment and certification:

Assessment is continual by the trainer/assessor over the duration of the 12 hours. There is no question paper required with this course, but all candidates must reach the required standard of.

Certification is from an Awarding Body and valid for a further 3 years.

Other courses in this category

The course dates that are available just above this contact form.
Selected Value: 1
Please let us know how many people will need to attend then course.
We will confirm your booking via email once we've received the information above.