• Nationwide Courses | 07834 232153 | Kevin@QuantumFirstAid.co.uk

CPR & AED Training course


Half day – Approx 3-4 Hours

Course Cost

£50 per person inc. tax, for group bookings please inquire.
Includes refreshments throughout the day.

This course is ideal for those with an AED at their workplace, companies wishing to train new staff or refresh those with previous training.

CPR AND AED Training – Level 2 Award (QCF)

External defibrillation is used for the treatment and hopeful recovery from cardiac arrest, the determining factor of survival being the time from collapse to administering the first shock. The increased popularity of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) is the best possible strategy in reducing death rates due to heart disease. AED’s have become more available in public places and they are designed for anyone to operate safely, however speed and overall efficiency in their usage can be vastly improved with the right training. It is that short time that could mean life or death. At Quantum First Aid we provide all the necessary training to give the client a better understanding and hands on experience at using the AED. Businesses looking to install an AED system on their premises and understand the benefits for the overall welfare of staff and customers alike.

Course Content

  • Vital Signs
  • Incident management (the primary survey)
  • Airway management – SAP
  • CPR – Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (adults, youth and children)
  • Choking Issues
  • AED use for adults
  • AED use for children
  • AED care and safety

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Selected Value: 1
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