• Nationwide Courses | 07834 232153 | Kevin@QuantumFirstAid.co.uk

FAA Level 1 Mental Health First Aid course


Half day (4 hour) Training course

Course Cost

£60 per person inc. tax, for group bookings please inquire.
Includes refreshments throughout the day.

Course Dates

Course location: Brandsby North Yorkshire.

Please use the link below to book this half day course

Introductory short course to help raise awareness of mental health issues in the workplace.

FAA Level 1 Award in Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health – Half Day course

This 4 hour (1/2 day) session is an introductory short course to help raise awareness of mental health issues in the workplace. This course will provide learners with the knowledge and understanding to identify suspected mental health conditions, and the skills required to start up a conversation and signpost the individual towards professional help. Learners will not engage in the diagnose or treat mental health conditions as this can only be carried out by professionally qualified clinician’s but each delegate will gain the knowledge to identify when someone in the workplace or a private individual may have a condition and therefore guide that person towards the best professional help.

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Selected Value: 1
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