• Nationwide Courses | 07834 232153 | Kevin@QuantumFirstAid.co.uk

Outdoor First Aid course


2 Day training course – 16 hours in total

Course Cost

£140 For individuals, for group bookings please inquire. Unit 1 can be done as a 1 day course, costing £85 per person.

Course Dates

Course location: Stillington Sports Club YO61 1LJ

  • 2nd – 3rd December 2023
  • 27th – 28th January 2024
  • 23rd – 24th March 2024
  • 20th – 21st April 2024
  • 11th – 12th May 2024
  • 27th – 28th July 2024
  • 7th – 8th September 2024
  • 21st – 22nd October 2024
  • 23rd – 24th November 2024
Structured to suit the majority of those engaged in an outdoor environment

Outdoor First Aid Emergency Incident Management 2 day course

The Outdoor First Aid Emergency Incident Management course is an intensive, highly practical outdoor course delivered over 2 days duration. It covers all of the requirements of National Governing Body (NGB) Instructor Awards in the UK, and is structured to suit the majority of those engaged in an outdoor environment.

Our Outdoor First Aid course covers a wide range of outdoor practitioners, including the following:
  • Mountain Leaders/ Climbers and Instructors (IML, ML, SPA)
  • Mountain Bike Guides and Leaders (BC, CTC, MBLA).
  • Forest Schools Teachers
  • Wilderness First Aid
  • Aquatic First Aid (BCU, SCA).
  • Forestry workers
  • Ecologists and Park Rangers
  • Duke of Edinburgh Assessors and Supervisors
  • Field Studies Tutors
  • Scouts and Outdoor Groups
  • Ramblers Leaders
  • Expedition Leaders
Course content to include:
  • Vital signs – breathing, level of consciousness, temperature, colour
  • Incident procedure – a systematic approach to managing first aid incidents
  • Unconsciousness/ collapse – causes and treatment
  • Airway Management – safe airway positions (including ‘recovery’)
  • Breathing Problems – including choking
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) – adult and drowning/child
  • Circulation Problems – Internal bleeding, external bleeding and treatment for shock
  • Damage – treatment of injury: head, neck, spine, chest, abdomen, pelvis, leg & arm, including remote improvised techniques
  • Environmental Considerations – hypothermia, hyperthermia and cold injuries
  • Common Illnesses – asthma, diabetes and epilepsy –recognition and treatment
  • Minor injuries- splinters, burns, blisters, bruises
  • Injury management outdoors
  • Incident management scenarios
  • Awareness of current regulations – accident reporting, first aid kits
  • Safe best practice
Assessment and Certification:

Certification is dependent upon the candidate successfully meeting the continuous assessment on the course, there is no final exam with this course.
All our trainers have hands on experience of dealing with a vast array of incidents in the outdoor environment and operated both within the UK and overseas in mountainous regions and on the water. Most are mountain leader trained and command a great understanding of the elements and outdoor professions.

This 2 day outdoor first aid course;
  • All our outdoor courses include the safe removal of helmets as standard practice, a lifesaving skill that is common occurrence in the outdoors. Also where possible we will always endeavour to tailor the courses to your specific requirements and the real life dilemma’s you could face on a day to day basis.
  • Meet the standards set by the Institute of Outdoor learning at Band 4 making suitable for schools expedition First Aid requirements.
Unit 1:

Outdoor First Aid Emergency Action (8 hours) this can be done by itself as a stand-alone qualification. Unit 1 concentrates on the assessment of the casualty and treatment of life threatening emergencies.

Unit 2:

Outdoor First aid Emergency Incident Management (8 hours) looks at further illnesses and injuries familiar to operating in the outdoors and utilises both first aid and incident management skills in context based outdoor scenarios.
Most of this course will be done outside therefore the correct clothing on the day is imperative.

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Selected Value: 1
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